
Showing posts from January, 2018

Batu Caves with #dariadiscovery

the traveling shoes.

Women warrior's

running with friends  Women time is Now! Bravo! THE WOMEN WARRIORS  running at the Twin city Challenge 2018 some of the energy, women empowered women to the finish line not only the toughness challenge but the new millennium of team leaders the beauty comes with brain and energy same as the man. here can see the sport that brings both genders to fight the mental women with easily blending with new challenges and new hobbies, running become the most famous sport of the female in this era broken the housewife boundaries. housewife fitness  discipline the positive mind challenge the mental fitness   Rain or shine! even rain or shine here's will tell the health level and mental fitness never stop until you reach the finish line.  the competitor among women very clear that equality and power being mothers, colleagues, housewife, grandmother, and  sister always the best reason to keep moving and...

Weekly Quotes

Positive thinking Fun motivation Lead by example Challenges chameleon and human have similar characteristics both change colors when needed, the Fun side sometimes chameleon was confused, that human can change when not needed. :) -redaria the traveling shoes.