
Showing posts with the label Lemon Basil

The New Year Magical Salad

Hello 2018, what a simple day to start a healthy meals. from the garden grrens into the colorful plate of salad. its been my habits to plant a hebs which part of my daily diet, plants what i love to eat and its a relexation hobbies and can bring a great creativity and peace of the mind. Other youngsters thought gardening and planting only for adult and old people.. ouchps! and thats way the those who speeding more time with herbs and greens and colorful vegetables area more calm and young when dealing with complict situations. its the arts of organizing, planting and patiently doing the great this for the best result of healthy living. let me share my 1st day of the year of my healthy greens from my garden. Tomatoes this is my Tomate and others also start blooming Bunga Telang (Butterfly Pea) The Health  Benefits of  Flower : Tea/Culinary /Natural Medical Full of antioxidants, helps protect the skin againts premature aging Fight a...