
Showing posts with the label Tabin Wildlife

Tabin Wildlife Reserve

Tabin Wildlife Gazetted in 1984 as a protected forest area, Tabin is one of Sabah's largest and most important wildlife reserves and, according to the WWF research, this place is one of the last refuges of the endangered Sumatran rhino. Since the opening of Tabin Resort in 2002. Distant: 50km (1 1/2 drive from Lahad Datu ) plantation road In addition, it's in one of the most exciting settings, from the resort 45min walk before you reach the sign  to the mud-volcano another 700m(20min) to the mud volcano - favoured as a mineral for the mammals.  The reserve offers a wide variety of trails and various wildlife habitats. There are several huge bubbling mud volcanoes an easy trek from the resort. Since the reserve consists of large areas of previously logged and now recovering forest and also due to its considerable size, covering 120,500 ha, it's particularly good for observing Bornean mammals and Birds. Pygmy elephants, wild pigs, civets, and m...

Tabin to Mabul T

,August 31 - 3September 2011 beautiful person in Amazing places.. lovely surprise it's Holidays mean Public Holidays Hari Raya.. most of the shop, food court are closed! hahahaa so instead spending time at town why dont we go for a little explore to the NATURE! Lets go for Tabin Mud Volcano  Tabin: Sabah's Greatest Wildlife 1 1/2hrs drive from Lahad Datu town. Tabin DRY mud Some of the important features of Tabin are its mineral sources including at least three "Mud Volcanoes." Simply put, a mud volcano is a hill (mound) of mud and clay pushed or heaved up through overlying sediments  The mud is formed when volcanic (heated) gasses dissolved in hot ground water interact with the igneous rocks a few meters below the surface. A thick and gooey acidic mixture, which varies in water content through the year, is formed. This mixture of mud and clay is continually pushed up and form an elevated cone above the surrounding area about 3m to 12m high. The mud ...

Lahad Datu

Biography Archeology study shown that the earlier human(paleolithic) community stay in Tinkayu and Madai Cave.It was the time when early humans gained increasing control over their surroundings and later saw the emergence of modern humans around 20,000 years ago. Stone tool manufacturing developed a more sophisticated tool making technique which permitted the creation of more controlled and consistent flakes. Hunting provided the primary food source but people also began to exploit shellfish and may have begun smoking and drying meat to preserve it. This would have required a mastery of fire and some sites indicate that plant resources were managed through selective burning of wide areas. There is also some evidence of purposeful burial of the dead which may indicate religious and ritual behaviors. History of Sabah shown that Idahan's is the earlier community stay in Madai Cave 10 000yrs ago. LAHAD DATU NAME COME FROM?   History show...