
Showing posts with the label Chinese New Year



Chinese New Year

My Best friend for19yrs together till now 2011. celebrating our friendship holiday during CNY. (we're 2diffrent person but life has it own story to tell and we just ordinary person walk through it; one positive and another negative> i think that is the balance of our remarkable extraordinary friendship> though we have our own life, still we never talk about it! THIS our life as Friend (kid>teens>youth>adult>single>engaged>ma rried>children>grow old).Sometimes friendship it not all about someone shoulder to cry one, to hug on ,to talk with. But a friendship that someone give love,thrust,courage,faith,smile and walk with you on your holiday,laughing n argue with you, next to your wait for exam result, next to your when you found your 1st love 2nd,3rd..and so on hehe, celebrate it when you found your 1st job,wipe your tears away, seat next to you n listen.enjoying a boring day with you, spent time visiting each other parent and family , sea...