
Showing posts with the label Peace

To Find a Peace of Mind

Some friends ask me.. why i choose to be in the Caveman generation, far back in time and far behind from the new machine of development! Really??? well i reply" look at  my face and you know where im been for this long....... discovering a place called the paradise within the universe ... im might not the riches person in the world! but im definitely the STAR of my own discovery.... in the riches Forest on Earth! this just few of the latest picture from the smallest place with beautiful Nature that still have the CLEAN air to breathe... do u still know how the Oxygen taste?  Cool yaaaee... do you? To find a Peace of Mind ... A. is to find the fresh air to breathe , the taste of your breathing what you what it to be... choose your grown, the environment. a place where you woke up and feel like you kissing someone ... plan your adventure and always ready for something new to appear...that's the Fun part of life! Morning Kiss  B. is to have the good sight of...


Can you have the Peaceful mind that's leading to your peaceful heart..  like a network, a link, a connection to the answer you are searching for... i think LOVE the only cure for peace.. and TIME is the only witnesses Taking care of a loved one on their final journey can be one of the richest, most life-affirming experiences you'll ever have. And perhaps the hardest one you'll ever go through. Gave your self a time ... to revealed the  puzzle of your Peace Mind and Heart! Thanks "Start your day with a SMILE"