Daria Flower Focaccia

Focaccia 3cup of (3/4cup) flour 1/2spoon if sugar (Chinese spoon) 1tbsp salt 300ml water 1/2 pkt (11g)yeast 2spoon Oil Mix all and rest for 1hr DryBerries 1spoon Black current 1spoon Cranberries Dry Herbs 2pcs Black papper 1/2tbsp Rosemary 6pcs green olives Spices powder 1/2tbsp Paprika Cinnamon Curry Tumeric Fresh herbs & Flowers Dill Sunflower Butterfly Pea Flower 1/2tbsp Salt 1spoon Sunflowers Oil for pan 1spoon olive oil for topping Baked for 20-25min 160c