Beach Clean Up Pulau Burung at Silam Coral Bay @ Silam Bay Lahad Datu

13th October 2019 Sunday Silam Environment Awareness Educational Program. This would be our second trip. After overwhelming requests from our last trip in September, and more requests for another trip. This time event focusing on Beach Clean Up at Pulau Burung and coral identification. This Educational Trips open for those who really wanted to participate in volunteering and learning. We try to introduces the importance of Corals and the environment, to people specially for the 1st time gong into the water the open sea. The main purpose to give a great impact to our group so that they're aware how beautiful the underwater without pollutions. And encourage the locals to be participating in this Awareness Program. Start with a small group is the best way to introduce how Fun and enjoyable giving back to the environment. LEARNING identification Corals, identifying Fish and Cleaning up beaches. Lahad Datu such a small town and not everyone are understand th...