Pumpkin Flower

Pumpkin Flower the blooming miracles,
 form young i already expose to this beautiful vegetables.
my mom used to bake the pupmkin pie for us and i love it so much!
but to day were talking about the Flower and the young leaves of this spiky plant.

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Leaves :

Promote the health of the heart
Immune System
Ensure Soft and Supple Skin
Fight Againts Cancer
Reduce symptoms of rheumatoid Arthritis
Strengthen our Bones
Helps Maintain Dental Health
Helps Prevent Premature Aging

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Flowers:

contain Vitamin C, B9, A, Iron and Phosphorus
Helps Bone Formation
Treatment of the common cold
Ensure Healthy Eyes

pumpkin leave with garlic and deep fried flower

Deep Fried Flower and younf leaves
clean the flower by remove the centre part and dry, before dip into the mixture of flour, eggs, white paper and bit salt .

Pumpkin Flower deep fried
make sure the oil hot before deep fried the flower, which only take 1-2min to cook to light golden.
can eat with sour cream dip or with ice cream dessert.

Clean Pumpkin Flower
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the leaves have soft spiky on it, need to remove before stir fy with garlic or can deep fried together with the flower.

only the soft leaves use to cook

the traveling shoes.


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Lahad Datu

Kuala Kubu Bharu

Borneo Rainforest Lodge & Danum Valley