Jokes :)

365days a year, its a short time for me to learn to many things and to discover new things. Have you ever ask your self WHY? you walk to speed with the time and sometimes you walk to slow! , in the the process walking through time there's to many things happen even you realize it or not, but at the end it still 365days a year. So i always carried this two formula plan A&B mean; A. Another new day of Adventure B. Be ready and be Happy In others words if my plan A&B doesn't working there's still a PLAN > C, D, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, V, W, X, Y, Z. Some people thought time of our Life are shorter and others very long : the Fact it's nothing to do with time! Everyone only had one Life on earth. "Born once" and "Die Once " No one ever own the TIME. Only we human who comes and goes. About our Life specially on Earth is belong to us. So make useful of it and remember what happen PLEASE do have Faith that GOD does exist! God ...